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tv   CBS 5 Early Edition  CBS  January 9, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PST

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center... badly damaged in n jose. we'll have a live report on the investigation. tch for hot a senior housing center, badly damaged in san jose. we will have a live report on the investigation as fire crews watch for hot spots. i am sorry. that a cloud hangs over what should be a very special day. >> damaging allegations against san francisco's new sheriff, the cloud of controversy as he makes the first high profile appearance today. good morning, everyone. it is monday, january 9. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm grace lee. it is 4:30. very early. on this monday morning. >> 4:30 is a lot earlier on monday than it is on friday. >> no kidding. man, it is hard to get out of
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bed. >> and i find it hard to get to bed on sunday nights. >> i feel well rested. >> whatever. >> and we will be here all day long. >> he is exhausted. >> from partying it up. >> yes. >> lots going on over the weekend there there is an accident in oakland, near the exit of westbound 24 at highway 13. a little bit of slowing on the sensors. it sounds like the right lane is blocked. and coming up and the bay area bridges as well and an update on the forecast. >> that is one of the nicest weekends that i can remember in quite a while. >> and i'm not even talking about the weather. >> what a fantastic weekend weather-wise. temperatures getting chilly. 32 degrees. freezing in santa rosa. and you know what? it takes a lot to get me excited these days but i am excited about something coming up in the weather and i will tell you when. >> rain? >> i am not telling you. >> that's a good tease. >> all right. >> thanks, lawrence. and 4:31 now. we have developing news in san jose. a three alarm fire has caused
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major damage to a senior housing center. lisa washington joins us from the site of that fire. lisa, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, frank and grace. i talked to a fire capten who says it is believed that the fire starts at 1:45 this morning. it is a senior assisted living fam. may fair golden manor. and four people, as you said, have been taken to local hospitals. it is not believed that those injuries are very serious. the captain says this was a huge fire. when the firefighters arrived, they could see flames shooting from the roof of the building. now, in all, four units were damaged. and 16 people lived in those apartments. and the red cross will now assist them with finding a place to live. also, several streets in the area were blocked as a result of that fire. and are still blocked. parts of mckey road and alexander. this fire actually is off of mckey but it is near capital and madden here in san jose.
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again, as we said, this was a huge fire. more than nine engine trucks came to put out the flames and more than 50 firefighters in all, some of whom who are still here on the scene. frank and grace? >> lisa washington, live for nus san jose, thanks. 4:33 now. and three bills being announced this morning in san francisco, in response to the deadly pipeline explosion in san bruno. one bill from assemblyman jerry hill would require the state puc to implement federal ntsb recommendations. and another would force the puc to consider a utility safety record in setting gas rates. and the third would require the puc to set up a whistle blower protection program. it is now 4:33 now. san jose assemblyman jim bell is proposing a $500 credit for middle class students. at cs, uc and california community colleges. the chronicle reports the undergrand enrollments increased recently for all income brackets except one. those from families making 99
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to $149,000, by 9% and bell wants to give the group a tax break to reverse the trend. and a panel that is examining poor student performance at the community colleges will recommend several reforms. among the suggestions, to the statewide board of governors, design statewide tests to determine each entering student's competence in math and english and require first year students to start remediate work immediately and trying to improve the rates of graduation and transfers to universities. this morning, ross makes the first high profile appearance since becoming san francisco sheriff over the weekend. the former supervisor is scheduled to attend a law enforcement leadership symposium at the university of san francisco today and tomorrow. he is facing allegations though of domestic abuse against his wife. elan lopez. he addressed the issue
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yesterday during the swearing in ceremony. >> i am sorry that a cloud hangs over what should be a very special day for elanna, me and my entire family and all of you who have worked so hard. they and you deserve better. >> the district attorney is reviewing the case. to determine whether any charges will be filed. this is the final day of campaigning in new hampshire. before tomorrow's first in the nation presidential primary. susan mcginnis has the very latest from manchester. >> all right, let's hear a cheer. >> reporter: mitt romney is not l.e.d. letting an anything stand in his way in new hampshire. and he called on supporters to drown out protesters trying to crash the rally. >> we are happy to have you express your views and next time do it with more courtesy. >> reporter: romney is on top but it is not stopping rivals from piling on attacks.
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with the second of back-to-back debates, and they barbed romney's governor re-elect ability. and even though romney holds a commanding lead in new hampshire, poms show he dropped slightly in recent days. leaving -- polls show he dropped slightly in recent days. leaving the other candidates hoping to gain from his losses. >> it is said that this state loves an underdog. ladies and gentlemen, here is your underdog. >> john huntsman supporters, jammed a coffee shop to see him sunday. after spending weeks in new hampshire. and he has jumped to third place behind ron paul. >> i have such a strange new idea. it is obeying the constitution. >> reporter: rick santorum is making a push for new hampshire and the first southern primary. >> just wait until january 21. and you will find out where we're going to get our win. right here. >> reporter: he is already rallying supporters in south carolina. susan mcginnis, cbs news, manchester, new hampshire. >> the afghan military is trying to figure out if a man who opened fire at a group of
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americans is really a soldier. an american soldier died, another was wounded, in yesterday's shooting at a base in the sought of that country. the gunman was also killed. there have been similar attacks before. some by afghan soldiers who turned on nato troops and others by insurgents dressed in afghan you know forms. an iranian court has convicted an american man of working for the c.i.a. and has sentenced him to death. iran's state radio reported the verdict and sentenced the 28- year-old, his father is a profess ner michigan and says his son was visiting relatives in iran when he ras was arrested. the u.s. department has demanded his relief. neighbors, police and firefighters are on alert for a fire bug in novato. police say as many as 20 fires were set in the city on saturday night, they came one after another within a six-hour span. fortunately, the fires were reported quickly, and extinguished. the worst of the fires burned a
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pg&e power pole as well as a fence. authorities are especially concerned because we've had so little rain this season. and a small blaze could easily become a major disaster. >> it does increase our alertness to the situation. and we are working diligently to try to put some solutions to what is happening. >> in response, police have stepped up patrols, and increased electronic surveillance. it is 4:38. get you out the door with a little traffic and weather. >> a little accident early on this monday. >> we've been following an accident in oakland. we will get to that in a second. in the meantime we will show you the bridges across the bay area. a live look at the san mateo bridge. things are off to a great start. in either direction. across the span. it should been a 13 minute drive. out of hayward, headed to foster city. bay bridge, as well as a smooth start to the commute and down to the pay gates and the east shore expressway and 18 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze and the accident that frank mentioned in oakland,
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northbound highway 13 and it sounds like it is right before the exit to westbound 24, and maybe on that connector ramp there, and we're still following it, it sounds like right now, the right lane is blocked and tow crews were called out to the scene, and as well as chp. so we will let you know as soon as that clears and we want to mention the traffic alert. headed to the sierra, right now, eastbound 80 at blue canyon. all lanes are blocked until about 5:30 this morning. there was an accident there. so again all lanes are blocked eastbound 80 at blue canyon. that is traffic. for an update on this beautiful forecast we had this weekend, hopefully we will continue for a little while longer. >> change coming our way. as a matter of fact we have very cold temperatures around the bay area this morning. patchy frost likely to show up in some of the valleys. below freezing right now in napa. and 29 degrees and 32 and freezing in santa rosa and 34 in livermore and 36 degrees in concord. so these temperatures much cold ther morning than they have been for quite some time. and still the high remains in place. and holding on for at least another day. lots of sunshine coming our way
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but look at the coastline. this area of low pressure, not very impressive, but boy, the most impressive thing we've seen in quite some time. it will bring at least a slight chance of some showers in the bay area, as early as tomorrow. and the temperatures by this afternoon, no chance of rain today, and 67 degrees, and sunshine in san jose, and 65 in concord, and about 66 degrees in santa rosa, and the next couple of days, it is still nice to put a couple of raindrops on the map and i haven't been able to use those things and a little lonely out there and a couple of drops out there, and tuesday and wednesday, thursday, we drop dry things out and a few more clouds by the weekend. tomorrow, it doesn't look like much there is a slight chance of some showers. guys, back to you. >> we weren't showing you the love there. you were not listening. >> you were not listening to me again. [ laughter ] >> good to see the rain though. >> thank you, lawrence. it is 4:40. a major drug recall this morning. the problem with a popular headache medicine, coming up. >> plus, why oakland is considered one of the world's hottest spots. and worst case scenario
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realized. the bun gy jump that went terribly wrong. that and much more coming up.
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headache medicine or caffeie pills in your cupboard -- ck the label. back now at 4:42. if you've got some headache medicine or caffeine pills in your cupboard, you might want to check the label. the drug maker novartis is recalling a number of them. the pills in question, excedrin, no-doz, bufferin, gas x, all with expiration dates of december 20, 2014 or earlier. the problem is the bottles could contain stray pills from other medicines. novartis wants to make sure people didn't take medication that they might be allergic to or don't mix well with other prescriptions. if you have any of these, you are urged to throw them away. a rally is planned this morning to protest the closure of a long time medical marijuana club. right here in san francisco. and the market street cooperative has been open for more than 10 years now. u.s. justice department has been warning california property owners that their building could be seized if
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renters dispense cannabis near schools and parks. wildlife rescuer will try again today to capture an injured bird at the golden gate bridge park. the new goal has a fishing lure caught in the beak and it can make it hard for the bird to eat or preen creating a life- threatening situation. the bird was first spotted by local birders at two lakes in the park and then spot the again at stow lake just yesterday. and season ticket packages for club seats at the 49ers stadium in sant clare are going on sale today. fans have two bills to pay though. one for their seats and one for the season tickets. so the most expensive seats will be near the 50-yard line of course. and they will cost $80,000 just to buy the seats. >> hello. >> plus $3700 a year more for the tickets and the prices for the least expensive seats have not been determined yet. cyclists and pedestrians will have to share a sidewalk across the golden gate bridge because the west sidewalk will
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be closed for construction on aned a joining trail. so everyone will have to share the east sidewalk through the end of march. and when local media cover oakland, the stories tend to focus on the violence that happens there. >> but the new york times says a more positive take on the city ranking oakland among the 45 places to go in 2012. in fact oakland is number five. believe it or not. topped out by panama, helsinki, finland, miramar and then london england and then the new restaurants and bars and jack london square and the fox theater which is a top music venue. >> there is a lot going on and people don't think about it. i think it would be did -- yes, there is a lot of youth and vitality in oakland. a lot of revitalization. >> pretty good. came in at number five. >> excellent. i love oakland. >> a lot of love there. the only other california destinations that were on the list, number 14, was san diego, and i'm sorry, tahoe, you've
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come in at number 30. >> go oakland. >> lack of snow there. 4:45. the tucson shooting rampage one year later and the rare public appearance by gabrielle giffords. a family escapes a burning home and the two strangers who jumped into action. her cord broke and she lives to tell the tale. what happened after the bungee cord snapped above some crocodiles. cold temperatures to start off the day. some areas near 50. with patchy frost. we will talk about that in the forecast coming up. 3q
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part of the government's plo in the nuclear pour plants in japan may close. and part of the government's plan to increase nuclear safety is to retire plants after 40 years of operation. the plan comes after the fukushima plant disaster last march. there are 54 nuclear reactors in the country and under the proposal a third of them would have to close by 2020 and two- thirds by 2030. and it is 4:48 now. occupy protesters say they plan to hold weekly demonstrations protesting the way they've been handled by the police.
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six people arrested over the weekend as some protesters started a bonfire, threw some bottles at officers near 7th and washington streets. police say one arrested protester was carrying a quarter stick of dynamite. this week, union city firefighters will honor two men who rushed to the rescue of two elderly people. the couple were trapped as their house went up in flames on thursday. they made their way out of a back door. but were trapped in a walkway. because of a gate that was locked. then the two 25-year-old men who saw the smoke from the whipple road rushed to their aid. >> as i understand it, though, they were trapped behind the gate because the gate opens from this side so the gentleman let them out and got them away from the house and then had called 911 already. >> two rescuers were on their way to make a recycling pickup in sant clues in almeda county, and they hollered into the smoke-filled house and eventually held the elderly couple in the side yard, and
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opened the gate and then led them out to safety. >> amazing. 4:49. let's look at elizabeth and the roads. >> still early. an accident in oakland. a slight location change actually. northbound highway 13, right before park boulevard. there was an accident there. and it sounds like it is an overturned accident. a couple of chp units are on the scene. as well as toe tow crews. slight delays and it is very early and not causing big problems. what could be causing problems is eastbound 80 before blue canyon. all lanes remain blocked until about 5:30. that should be 5:30 this morning. so it is 5:30 a.m. that is a mistake that you see there on the map. 5:30 this morning is when the traffic alert should be lifted because of an early morning accident. and all right, golden gate bridge, everything is nice and quiet so far across the span and it looks like a pretty good ride out of marin. no mayor issues, across the deck and fog is not an issue
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for once. across the deck. and usually that camera lapses a few days with the fog. and not an issue this morning. nimitz, 880, the east bay, a live look, near the coliseum, the taillights the northbound traffic, should be about a 15- minute drive from 238, out toward the macarthur maze. westbound 580 out of the altamont pass. so far, this looks great. it should at this time of the morning. 4:51. so usually give it another hour, hour and a half, and then we start to see some brake lights across that stretch especially through livermore. in the south bay, no major incidents across the south bay and a couple of headlights so far, northbound 280. and heading out of downtown san jose. so pretty nice ride up and down the peninsula. 101, 280, both look good right now and mass transit, everything so far off to a great start. bart has all of the trains running on time. no delay. and muni, cal train and ferries reporting no problems. if you're about to hit the road, tune to kcbs our radio partners and get any information from them at
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106.9fm. that's traffic. let's go to weather with lawrence. >> clear and cold around much of the bay area. looking at frost showing up in some of the valleys headed outside right now. grab your jacket. you may need. it but by the afternoon, plenty of sunshine coming your way again and temperatures in the 30s and 40s around the bay area and no fog to speak of this morning. and by the afternoon, sunny skies going to rule once again. 60s near the coastline. plenty of 60s inside the bay and upper 60s in the warmest part of the inland valleys. high pressure is holding on for one more day here. you can see this guy encroaching off the coastline, and not the strongest system we've seen but this may be our best chance to get any raindrops here in the bay area. and maybe for the next couple of weeks. we will see how that works out. as the system slides on through. and more clouds as we move into tuesday and cooler temperatures and at least a slight chance of some showers. around the state, you're looking at plenty of sunshine and 65 degrees in reading and 64 in sacramento and high country dry up there. 54 degrees in lake tahoe. 54 in yosemite. as we get you around the bay, the temperatures warming up again, 67 in san jose and 67 in morgan hill and 66 and sunny in
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palo alto and 64 in half moon bay. east bay temperatures moving well in the 60s by the afternoon and in many spots and as you get inside the bay, plenty of sunshine and it looks like very warm temperature force this time of the year, 65 in san leandro and 6 in santa rosa. -- 66 in santa rosa. the next couple of days, today, a nice sunny day and tomorrow the raindrops are out. not very impress effect but the best chance we got for at least the next seven days for rain. maybe the next couple of weeks. as there just doesn't look to be anything on the horizon coming our way to bring any significant rainfall. partly cloudy skies as we head through saturday and sunday. but the weekend, again, 67 coming up? >> i know. another dry weekend. and i would like to get this rain going but it is not happening. >> what a beautiful weekend. >> fantastic weekend. >> a lot of football. did you enjoy it? >> a ton of football. great games. >> bun gy jumping? >> love it. >> probably did some this weekend. >> don't go to south africa. i got news for you. or australia for that matter. >> an australian woman had a terrifying bungee cord mishap and still alive to talk about
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it erin langworthy's cord snapped 60 feet above the water during a new year's adventure in africa's zambeze river and the 22-year-old had to dive down several times to free her ropes from the rocks and slammed ashore through some very strong rapids. >> it went black. right away. i felt like i had been slapped all over. >> she ended up spending a week recovering in a south african hospital. look at those injuries. she is very lucky though. >> there are crocodiles down there and you can see the rapids. she was moving quickly down river. wow. extreme sports. >> that's right. >> speaking of sports, a lot of drama in the nfl playoffs. >> are you a football fan? >> of course. this is fun. giants all over the atlanta falcons yesterday. emy lanking throwing for almost 3 -- eli manning throwing for almost 300-yards in a 24-2 victory and the first time ever
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that a team only scored a safety, just two points. and the packers now coming up, and this guy, especially tim tebow, the bronco, dramatic fashion, we're tied up. it is in overtime. first play in o.t. against the steelers and tebow finds this guy, demrius thomas, first play and he is gone. touchdown. 80 yards. the good news he won and the good news is john el way is happy and the bad news is they will play new england now and who knows what will happen. >> and train riders am major cities around the world got a little cheeky yesterday. >> this is all part of the annual no pants subway ride. i didn't know they had this but apparently participants gathered at train stations wearing everything but their pants. new york-based improv everywhere started the no pants subway ride in new york a decade ago. organizers say that there were pantsless subway riders in
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major cities including london and new york and mexico city. and a little chilly for the annual pantsless subway ride. >> a big thing in boston. they do it on the t. on the buss. >> really cold there. >> i haven't quite figured it out but good for them. 4:56. a royal milestone. how kate middleton is spending her 30th birthday. airline passengers are breaking the rules and what more of them are trying to sneak by tsa officials. four people are taken to a local hospital. after an overnight fire in a san jose senior assistant living facility. details on that fire are coming up. a new sheriff in town. making the first public appearance today, being sworn in. but the controversy follows him. we will tell you more about that coming up.
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my fashion blog is about my personal style and things that inspire me. i like to think of myself as the voice of real girls. since i post new looks almost every day... i have to shop almost as often.
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t.j.maxx is great because i can score designer fashion... without spending like there's no tomorrow. that's what it's all about. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. i post for fashionistas... but i'm a maxxinista. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. injuries... and what happens next for displaced residents. ""i am sorry that a cloud hs a fire destroys part of a senior housing center. the damage and the injuries and what happens next for the displaced residents. i am sorry that a cloud hangs over what should be a very special day.
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>> the new sheriff of san francisco, surrounded by a cloud of controversy. his response to allegations of abusing his wife. and so far, we are sof to a great start on the -- so far we have off to a great start on the roadways and the highways and an early morning accident in oakland and we will tell where it is coming up. a chilly start to the day. and patchy frost in the valleys and lots of sunshine. we will talk more about that next. and good morning, everybody. it is monday, january 9. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm grace lee. it is just a little bit before 5:00 a.m. and we begin with developing news out of san jose. there was a three alarm fire that ripped through a senior housing center, destroying six units. >> and so far, we know at least four people have been injured. lisa washington joins us now from the site of that fire. lisa, good morning. >> good morning, to you. frank and grace. and several of those firefighters are still on the scene. working to put out some of the hot spots. and let me move out of the way to take a look at the damage. now we have been told by the fire captain that there were


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